Sunday, 28 April 2013

Crystal Peck Statue!

Hello Jammers,

Sorry for the late post but there is a new item in Epic Wonders called Peck Statue. It's one of the alphas too!

Thats all for today!
Cya Jammers!


Saturday, 27 April 2013

Jamaa's newest items

Hi Jammers!
Sorry that it wasn't earlier but, I just noticed that these are Jamaa's newest items so far.
Underwater Top hat.
A Sir Gilbert statue
Thats all for today!

Friday, 26 April 2013


Hello Jammers!
It is just I Sparkykat38 today posting as this discovery was by me.
Take a look at this picture.
Funny those pets are strange they might be a hint to a new pet or animal coming to Jamaa!
Well I will try get other people to notice this!

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Musical Jammers!

Hi Jammers as we said there will be a post all about Jam Session!
When you get there it has epic music I hope you can get for your den soon!

There is a stage and when you click the instroments the play music!

There is a shop for all your instroments I think more will come out later on.
There is a guitar, Clarinet and a drum.

It's really a small party but I think it is totally epic!


Jam Session Party

Hey Jammers!
The new update is here!

Jam Session!

If you didn't know it was a party as it says on the journal "Jamaa's newest party!"

I will do a seperate post later all about the party.

Also in this update is you can now plant your own den garden and best of all- IT'S NON MEMBER!

Nice I was remembering Tunnel Town the new app game, there is a garden in that maybe thats what it is linked to... hmm.

Also the elephants, rhinos and giraffes are leaving Jamaa and going travelling, why giraffes? They are kind of new still.

Also a photo booth contest you can enter!

Thanks for reading Jammers!

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Recycling is good Jammers!

Hi Jammers!
Today did you notice whats new in Jamaa today?
A Recycling bin! Just what your den needs to help the earth be cleaner!

So whos happy about the Milkshake's first post and grand opening soon there will be a milkshake party for Jammers to come to when the new Milkshake account in Animal Jam has arrived there will be a party in that den!

So keep reading!

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Welcome Jammers!!!!

Welcome Jammers to....
Tiggywinkle and Sparkykat38's
Animal Jam Milkshake!!
Our nickname for the blog is MilkyBar so if you like you can call us that.
Here will be loads of Animal Jam fun, updates and more made by us and we will hire any Jammer friends of ours that blog to help out, and if you would like to help and you know us please do let us know, because it will help keep the milkshake running!
Thanks for your help and please feel free to comment and give feedback!